Thursday, November 19, 2009

Part 2 : Flight Simulator

Well, let's continue with the 2nd part,alrite? :)

After we've been briefed on the maintenance and technical aspect of the aircraft and hangar walk-about, we were brought to the Simulator room which is located in one of the MFA new buildings.

No, it's NOT the same as the Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX/2004 that u can fly anytime u want. It's the real Flight Simulator whereby the flying hours clocked in the simulator will be recorded in the pilots log-book as flying in the real world.

Flight simulation serves as hands-on experience of every possible events that could occur during flight, such as bad weather conditions, emergency procedures etc. as well as the way to deal with such situations.

It also serves as a mean to develop the flying skills of the cadets without compromising the safety aspect of flight training. Be it known that, 30 hours of flying in the simulator is equivalent to 90 hours of flying in the real world! :)

Waiting for the instructor outside the building :P

"Come, let's go" - the CGI's famous tagline. Hehe~ Inside the classroom, we look forward to hear these words at 12 noon everyday, which indicates - early lunch!! :)

RULES ARE RULES and this is the reason why we have to wait for the instructor instead of dashing off into the room by ourselves

One of the simulators (sims). We have to clock 30 flying hours in the sims and contrary to popular belief, we're going to do real flying first before we start flying in sims :)

The flight simulation's instructor briefed us about the simulator

I reckon this is the sim's manufacturer - Ascent. Hurmm, no "Descent"? What goes up must come down, isn't it? :P

We went back to the classroom shortly after the visit. Got nothing to do so i took some pics of the Piper Seneca III, the twin-engine aircraft on its final, to land =)

Above the runway threshold, like i said before, the sound produced by the engine is soooooo sweettttt, hahahaha

Well, more and more stories to come, stay tuned! ~hehehehe~ adios =)

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